Monday, September 28, 2015

We have running water!!

This week at the house we've been working on tying up some loose ends so that "big things" can start happening soon.  Though the pictures from one post to another don't look much different these days there is still a lot of progress being made.  Soon the changes will be a lot more visible and we will start seeing things come together to make our house look more like a home! 

One BIG task we've knocked off the list this week is the plumbing.  We officially have running water in the house!!  When we bought the house there was a pipe in the laundry room that had frozen and busted causing lots of damage to the surrounding area.  Because of this, the water to the entire house has been turned off for quite some time.  This week, Mr. Stan Reid came to the rescue and spent much time and effort helping Kyle repair the pipes so that the water could be turned back on.

The soffit in the kitchen also came down this week!  One step closer to those beautiful cabinets stretching all the way to the ceiling.  I know Kyle is especially excited about this feature in the kitchen as he will likely spend a lot of time getting things off the top shelves for me. ;)

More tack strip is coming up so that the floors are all ready for the pretty hardwood that will cover them soon.  We had some special helpers stop by this week just to work on this tedious task.  And they loved every minute of it! :)

Isaac found the work this week less than thrilling.  One day he will enjoy being at this house, I'm sure of it!  Until then he will spend most of his time there strapped to his momma's back and taking in the craziness.

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